
Read on as our patients and their loved ones share their stories of walking their transformational journeys towards health and happiness, with us.

To our wonderful patients and your loved ones:

You are our extension of family, we thank you for trusting us to give us your hand in good faith. We honour you, value you, believe in you, and we thank you for allowing us to be part of your transformational journey.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/embed?layout=gallery&listType=playlist&list=PLnZqpxofDcZbsKknTCX_laArXV7fnyZNm[/embedyt]

My quality of life is now fantastic!

When I started being treated by Milo I had chronic back, neck and arm pain, for several years.  I also had significant pain in my jaw and had just been diagnosed with PTSD.  I was sceptical about Bowen treatment, but had nothing to lose, except pain.

After 3-4 treatments I noticed a significant reduction in my physical pain.  Now I just have a maintenance session every 6-8 weeks.  My quality of life is now fantastic.  I also have bio resonance with Milo, I have found I am much less reactive to triggers that I used to find constantly irritating and stressful, once again increasing my quality of life.

Milo provides a non judgemental treatment environment and advice that gently gets you to see life experiences from a different perspective.

– J.H. (43 years old, Female patient)

I had this treatment 48 hours ago and the difference in the way I feel is profound.

I had this treatment 48 hours ago and the difference in the way I feel is profound. I had been suffering increasing pain in my neck and been feeling slightly off centre for years. After having the treatment the relief from pain was almost immediate and I have gradually felt my body straightening up since. Strangely this feeling started in my face in the car on the way home, and has been particularly noticeable along my spine at night time. I had recently been told that I had mild scoliosis and I would not be at all surprised if that was gone now as I am definitely standing taller.

The pain at the back of my neck had been a constant distraction in everything I was doing an it is such a relief to have it gone. I am sure I will be more productive as a result. If anyone is experiencing a sore or tight neck/lower jaw and/or feeling slightly crooked in their spine I would strongly urge them to give this a go.

Thank you Neil.

– Megan

Needless to say I would recommend AtlasPROfilax anyone!

I was referred to AtlasPROfilax natural health practitioner, Neil Pont at Allied Health Clinic in Brisbane. I have suffered from chronic pressure headaches, dizziness and vertigo as well as neck arms and tingling in my fingers. And a painful hip.

I had my AtlasPROfilaxaligned two weeks ago and since then all pain except for my hip has disappeared, and the level of pain in my hip has gone from a nine to a three.

Needless to say I would recommend anyone suffering from pain to consider having the alignment, it doesn’t hurt and Neil says it is permanent.

– J Kingston
Wynnum Manly

I participated in every event because of your treatment!

Here is a remarkable few words from a young man who was told his physical dysfunctions would preclude him from competing in the sports he loves, and now with his AtlasPROfilaxin place it has changed his life. Good on him.

“Hi, Arthur here from NZ. I’m 16 years old After the treatment I felt better! I used to be scared of some athlete activities (High jump, long jump and track event too) when I was 14, the doctor told me that I can’t participate some athlete activities so I was scared to do it.

It is just after our school athlete day,( Last Friday) I participated in every event because of your treatment. I achieved second place for High-jump , and third place for 800m run. I wish to thank you for your treatment and encouragement.”

– Arthur from NZ

Your AtlasPROfilaxtreatment last November has literally changed my life!

Your AtlasPROfilaxtreatment last November has literally changed my life

After years of so many doctors and other health professionals being unable to help with my chronic pain and telling me “it’s all in my head” thanks to you I am now free of almost all of my pain. No more headaches, no more dizziness, no more lower back pain, my lung capacity has improved and best of all my family is happy.

Neil, if sharing my comments encourages another person who may be suffering pain to have your treatment, it is just my way of wanting to help others.

I would be happy to speak about my results so feel free to give out my phone number or email as you see fit.

– Sincerely
David Halls
Gladstone, Qld

There have been major improvements in different parts of my body

Dear Neil

Just a quick comment on the result of the AtlasPROfilax alignment I had done last December.

Needless to say I am very pleased with the outcome, as there have been major improvements in different parts of my body.

After the first night I actually jumped out of bed feeling virtually no pain. My neck is no longer restricted and my posture and my hips feel much straighter. Admittedly some aches in my legs and feet have remained but overall the positive changes are remarkable.

Thank you for making this treatment available.

– Sincerely
May Weddell
Thornlands, Qld

How refreshing to see a business model that focuses on remedying medical ailments in one visit!

How refreshing to see a business model that focuses on remedying medical ailments in one visit! The AtlasPROfilax® process is a straightforward and well-explained process that worked for me. There are no prolonged repeat visits because there is no need. At last a process that addresses the root problem and not the symptoms.
Thank you again,

– Elle C
Indooroopilly, Qld

No more dizziness or pins and needles in my fingers!

Dear Neil

Just a quick note to say thank you for the AtlasPROfilax treatment.

I have no more dizziness or pins and needles in my fingers. My knee is much better and believe it or not I think my eyesight has improved, so I’m holding off on getting reading glasses. Don’t know how that happened but I’m grateful anyway.

– Erin

How delighted I am with the results of the AtlasPROfilaxadjustment!

Neil, I would like to let you know how delighted I am with the results of the AtlasPROfilax adjustment you made 3 weeks ago.

I came to see you after seeing my doctor. I have had neck and shoulder problems all my life, but suddenly after catching a cold things got a lot worse, and resulted in frequent weird feelings almost like panic attacks. He sent me for an MRI and said that the bones in my neck had deteriorated and nothing could be done about it.

I did get some relief from a chiropractic adjustment, but the problem remained to a lesser degree. I suspected that the problem in my neck was compounded by a virus inflaming the bones because my wife had similar symptoms from her cold.

I came to you on recommendation and after just one AtlasPROfilax adjustment I left your clinic and immediately noted a vast improvement. I could move my head without the grinding sound and feeling I have always experienced.

I have always had what appeared to be a prominent protrusion of the bones at the top of my spine. This area was invariable inflamed and sore, but after your adjustment the lump disappeared and the bones no longer protrude, or are inflamed. Another thing very noticeable is that whereas I never felt balanced however much I tried to adjust my shoulders, now my balance is excellent and my shoulders are free of the constant tension I have had all my life.

Many thanks for achieving such a marvelous result.
All the best!

– Ron

What a great surprise!

Dear Neil

Thank you for aligning my Atlas. Since then I have had no headaches and the chronic pain in my neck and shoulders has been virtually eliminated. And the Bowen work you did on my coccyx has removed all pain there also.

In fact my Chiropractor said my neck and upper spine is good and there is nothing she has to do further, what a great surprise.

Again many thanks, I will recommend people to you.

– Angela
Redland Bay, Qld

I would like to thank Neil for what has been the most dramatic improvement in my health that I have ever seen

In December 2009, while suffering a flare of chronic back and neck pain, I came across a brochure for AtlasPROfilax®.

As a medical practitioner I was naturally skeptical about the range of broader health claims made for the technique, but also highly interested at the very specific anatomical mechanism proposed as causative for my problem, and by the claims of a technique that was gentle, which on the face of things appeared likely to be safe.

I had suffered from neck and back pain for years, and had many failed attempts at treatment through more conventional medical and physiotherapy providers. I had pretty much accepted that the problem was untreatable. I was also concerned that it looked like leaving me unable to maintain full time work commitments.

I had the treatment on 31 December 2009, and immediately noted dramatic improvement in my pain and neck mobility.

I also noted rapid improvement in my level of anxiety and irritability, and significant improvements in focus.

I would also report that the treatment was gentle, and that I did not feel concerned or endangered by it. (Medical practitioners are usually warned against the dangers of neck manipulation – and this technique is not a manipulative technique).

At that point I was fit enough to sit at the computer and explore the issue further, and concluded that I would maximise my recovery by improving my posture.

My improvement continued and the full improvements I have noted are:

– Much decreased neck and back pain (still some issues with localised arthritis due to the problem having been missed for all my life).
– Better posture – I can sit upright and am 2cm taller than I was.
– I am much calmer overall – in fact I’m now able to meditate when I used to be too restless to do this.
– Vastly improved focus, allowing me to cease medication for ADHD (the meditation that I was able to take up as a result of the treatment also helped).
– Resolution of lifelong irritable bowel syndrome.
– The ability to wake and be active quickly in the morning, when I used to be drowsy and nauseous for hours.
– Resolution of chronic low level dizziness.
– Resolution of intermittent pins and needles in the fingers and toes.
– Improved fine motor coordination: I am less clumsy, a better musician, and even note improvements in my handwriting.
– My voice is deeper and my clarity of speech is better than it used to be.

I would like to thank the practitioner and AtlasPROfilax® for what has been the most dramatic improvement in my health that I have ever seen, and hope this technique becomes more widely known and used, as it justly deserves.

– Dr AK

Thanks Neil, the work that you do is most profound!

I just wanted to let you know that I am very happy with the AtlasPROfilax®. At the time of the adjustment, I felt immediate improvement in my neck as my head just felt as if it was sitting in the right place. When comparing my neck movement with past physio appointments I can now turn my neck further to the right and from right to left without the crunching sound that I have felt for years.

My throat feels different and my breathing feels easier. The adjustment has had a positive effect all the way down my spine to my hips and down my legs to my feet. Now, three months later, I feel my posture is more erect and I feel lighter in my stance. I have not had any re-ocurrance of headaches at the base of my skull and the lower back pain or soreness that I would get from time to time has not re-ocurred.

I have also noticed that the energy work that I have been doing for the past 20 years is now easier as my awareness and sensitivities of different energies has increased.

Thanks Neil, the work that you do is most profound.

– Ian Hobbs
Stirling, SA

I am 76 years old and thanks to Neil, now I am looking forward to doing more of what I used to do!

I had the AtlasPROfilax treatment at the Cleveland health centre after reading about how an out of place AtlasPROfilaxcould be the cause of some of my pain. Particularly the chronic headaches, dizziness, pain in my shoulders, and pins and needles in the fingers.

I am 76 years old and thanks to Neil I am pleased to report there has been good pain relief in all of those areas, which goes to show I am not too old for my body to improve. Also I am feeling like I have more energy and less tiredness. It might be my imagination but my heart also feels stronger.

Now I am looking forward to doing more of what I used to do.

– K Smeeton
Victoria Point, Qld

I can’t thank you enough Neil!

Just wanted to say I can’t thank you enough for your treatments. First, the AtlasPROfilaxre-alignment has gotten rid of my migraines and in the last six months I have had only two or three mild headaches. Far cry from the constant pain I had since the accident in the Army.

Also, your hypnotherapy to help me lose interest in eating the wrong foods has worked, I no longer have any desire to put the junk in my body. I highly recommend your treatments, and please pass along my comments to whoever you want.

Much gratitude,

– Mandy Pollard
Redland City, Qld

I am amazed Neil!

I am amazed. I came at the urging of my wife who had great results from your AtlasPROfilax® treatment. Being a natural sceptic I hoped for the best outcome for my headaches and shoulder and arm pain, but thought I will believe it when I feel it. Hey, no more pain, and without pain I have developed a much more positive outlook on just about everything.

Thank you, you have my appreciation of a treatment that actually helped.

– Andrew Rowe
Gawler, SA

Thanks Neil, you are a lifesaver!

Before I visited Neil, I had daily neck pain, shoulder pain, dizziness/lightheadedness as a result of ceiling painting some 12 months earlier. I had tried all kinds of therapy but they all focused on the pain itself and not on the underlying issues.

With one AtlasPROfilax® treatment from Neil followed by a few sessions of physiotherapy posture rehabilitation, I am left pain free completely. I have absolutely no dizziness. People comment on my changed posture. For the first time in my life, I sleep without twisting and turning all night.

Thanks Neil, you are a lifesaver! All the best.

– Andrew Pennay

I had my AtlasPROfilaxcorrected by Neil Pont at Allied Health, Cleveland, and am very pleased to report the following. My neck is now pain free and my head continues to feel light and balanced. Also I am sleeping well and of all things remembering my dreams, something I have not experienced before. I have an overall feeling of wellbeing. Thank you.

– Cherylyn Finlay
Manly West , Qld

Neil has changed my life!

I have had headaches for over 10 years, with varying degree of pain. I often had to resort to double dose of recommended painkillers, which only gave me minimum relief. Last year, over a few months, I gradually lost the use of my right arm to severe muscle pain, leading to frozen shoulder. As a hairdresser, I lost part of my income. I continually searched for help, any practitioner – orthodox and Alternative, naturopaths, acupuncturists, chiropractors and other therapists.

Then my friend, a homeopath, suggested I see Neil Pont. Neil has changed my life, by putting the AtlasPROfilaxto where it should be. No more headaches, no more frozen shoulder, and no more painkillers. I am absolutely amazed what this treatment has done. I highly recommend everyone to seek this service from Neil. Thank you Neil for giving me my life back.

– Sincerely,
Astrid Berg

I can’t speak highly enough of your treatment!

Just a quick note to let you know how happy I was with the AtlasPROfilax® process. It was so gentle and the results remarkable. The relief was instant; the minute you finished I had full horizontal rotation of my head with no pain. I was able to hold my head up and put my shoulder back, which straightened my posture. A problem I have had all my life fixed in one painless non-invasive action. Prior to having this performed I was going to a chiropractor every two weeks to help with neck and shoulder pain. My chiropractor visits are much less frequent, for non-related issues, and he is amazed with the overall improvement in my skeletal system. It is now 12 weeks since I had the AtlasPROfilax®. I can’t speak highly enough of your treatment. Thank you.

– Jim Horton
Thornlands, Qld

We were very lucky to find you Neil.

After months of misery, Heidi’s health is still improving. There is no dizziness or fatigue and the headaches are now less frequent and not so painful anymore. We go for daily walks (about 4 km), do exercises and Heidi will go back to her yoga classes in January. As I told you earlier, I did not have any lower back pain after the AtlasPROfilax® treatment. Two weeks later I had light pain, which did completely disappear after the Bowen massage. This after more than 20 years of sometimes strong lower back pain and lots of money spent on chriopractics. The hissing noise in my ears is slightly better and I hope for further improvement. We were very lucky to find you Neil. Thank you very much!

– Heidi and Oscar


What more could one ask of a therapist? Simone is exceptional!

Simone has an uncanny ability/skill/gift to help her clients untangle distressing emotions and get a perspective on issues so that things seem a lot more manageable by the time you walk out of her office. What could change in a few minutes of a consultation with Simone? For me, over the weeks, everything changed: from feeling powerless and hopeless, I felt empowered to take charge of my own life without losing faith in destiny. I was first referred to Simone to try and ‘fix’ my constant ringing in the ear (tinnitus), which is still in the process of being ‘fixed’. However, it seems that Simone has managed to ‘fix’ my life: from feeling worthless, almost suicidal, I am now able to walk tall again and have a self-confidence to tackle life’s difficulties with a renewed faith in myself. What more could one ask of a therapist, Simone is exceptional.

My experience of living has evolved in ways I could not have dreamed possible...

I am a Massage Therapist and Access Bars Practitioner. I have been seeing Simone Abrahams for several years and during this time my experience of living has evolved in ways I could not have dreamed possible. The expansion of my awareness and knowing has freed me from shackles I never knew I had and continues to do so. This has also rippled into my business and my ability to deliver to my clients results on a cellular level that helps them feel ongoing and positive changes in their lives. This could not have occurred without the guidance, support and healing that I have received from Simone on a regular basis. I have found her to be an outstanding therapist and would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone that is looking for the freedom, fun, light and real life tools to improve the quality of their life and those they care about.
Alison Denny

My quality of life is now fantastic!

When I started being treated by Milo I had chronic back, neck and arm pain, for several years.  I also had significant pain in my jaw and had just been diagnosed with PTSD.  I was sceptical about Bowen treatment, but had nothing to lose, except pain. After 3-4 treatments I noticed a significant reduction in my physical pain.  Now I just have a maintenance session every 6-8 weeks.  My quality of life is now fantastic.  I also have bio resonance with Milo, I have found I am much less reactive to triggers that I used to find constantly irritating and stressful, once again increasing my quality of life. Milo provides a non judgemental treatment environment and advice that gently gets you to see life experiences from a different perspective.
J.H. (43 years old, Female patient)

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